Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki
A creature of the night!


Monsters are Mobs that will attack the player on sight (with a few exceptions), with no warning. They tend to drop useful Items, which means that despite their danger, they must eventually be sought out. Many Monsters have variants with different abilities and stronger attacking capability, such as the spider and the higher ranked spider warrior. Mobs with the "Monster" tag, including the playable characters Webber, Wortox and Werewilba, will be automatically attacked by Pigs and other friendly mobs such as Bunnymen and Catcoons.

Some monsters vary depending on the season the player is currently in. For more information, check SummerAutumnWinter and Spring.

There are also several rare Boss Monsters. Most of these creatures will drain Sanity when they are nearby.

Monsters often drop Monster Meat when killed and can eat Monster Meat without taking any damage.


Regular Monsters[]

Hostile creatures[]

Creatures that will attack on sight, but are not classified as a monster in-game:

Boss Monsters[]

Reign of Giants Reign of Giants[]

Regular Monsters[]

Boss Monsters[]

Shipwrecked Shipwrecked[]

Regular Monsters[]

Boss Monsters[]

Hamlet Hamlet[]

Regular Monsters[]

Hostile creatures[]

Creatures that will attack on sight, but are not classified as a monster in-game:

Boss Monsters[]

Don't Starve Together Don't Starve Together[]

Regular Monsters[]

Boss Monsters[]

Event Monsters[]

Event Boss Monsters[]
