Don't Starve Wiki
Don't Starve Wiki
Icon Magic

Tab Icon

There must be science hiding somewhere in there.


The Prestihatitator is prototyped from the Science Machine. The Meat Effigy, Pan Flute, One-man Band, Night Light, Life Giving Amulet, Chilled Amulet, Ice Staff and Shadow Manipulator are prototyped from the Prestihatitator, while the Dark Sword, Night Armor, Bat Bat, Belt of Hunger, Nightmare Amulet, Fire Staff, Telelocator Staff and Telelocator Focus are prototyped from the Shadow Manipulator. Magic items can be obtained from Crafting, in the Magic tab with the red skull icon on the left-hand side.

Gift Icon Downloadable Content

In the Reign of Giants DLC, the player can craft the Old Bell in the Magic Tab.

In the Shipwrecked DLC, the Prestihatitator has been replaced by the Piratihatitator. Dripple Pipes were also added to the Magic Tab. In a Shipwrecked compatible Reign of Giants or base game world, the Seaworthy is also found in this tab.

Don't Starve Together icon Don't Starve Together

In Don't Starve Together, the players can craft Ocuvigils, Moon Dials, The Lazy Deserter, and while playing as Wendy, Abigail's Flower is in the Magic Tab.

Craftable Items and Structures

The following items and structures can be crafted in the Magic Tab:

Placeholder Trivia

Icon Magic Old

Old Magic Tab Icon.

  • The Magic Tab icon is available for use on Steam as an uncommon chat emoticon.
  • The Magic Tab icon used to be an upside-down pentagram, but it was changed to a red skull for unknown reasons.
    • This may be due to religious reasons.